Tire Size Calculations

Tire Height Inches Tire Width Rim Height Tire height with rim, in Inches Circumference Revs per mile Percentage Difference from the Previous Size
245 9.65 75 16 30.47 95.72 661.93  
255 10.04 75 16 31.06 97.57 649.35 102%
265 10.43 75 16 31.65 99.43 637.23 102%
275 10.83 75 16 32.24 101.29 625.56 102%
285 11.22 75 16 32.83 103.14 614.31 102%
305 12.01 70 16 32.81 103.08 614.67 100%
295 11.61 75 16 33.42 105.00 603.45 102%
305 12.01 75 16 34.01 106.85 592.97 102%
315 12.40 75 16 34.60 108.71 582.85 102%
325 12.80 75 16 35.19 110.56 573.07 102%

Formulas used:

Tire height to Inches = Tire height, e.g. 245, X conversion to inches (0.0393701)

Tire height, in inches, with Rim = (((Tire Height X (Tire Width X 0.01)) X 2) X (mm to Inches) + Rim Height

Circumference = Tire height, with rim, in inches X PI (3.14159265358979)

Revs Per Mile = One Mile, in feet X 12 / Circumference

X = Multiplied by

/ = Divided by

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